田仲敬司。1931年~2019 年。大分県別府市に生まれる。
子どもの年賀状を作ったことがきっかけで版画を始め、趣味で作品をつくり、日本版画会に出品する程度でしたが、入賞をきっかけに数多くの作品を手掛けることになり日本版画会展入選 新人賞受賞、大分県美術展入選など。
Keiji Tanaka. 1931-2019. Born in Beppu City, Oita Prefecture.
He started printmaking when he made New Year’s greeting cards for his children, and although he created works as a hobby and only exhibited them at the Japan Print Association, he began to work on numerous works after winning prizes, winning the Newcomer’s Prize at the Japan Print Association Exhibition and the Oita Prefecture Art Exhibition, among others.
The video is 7 minutes 44 seconds long.
ショートバージョンの映像です。This is a short version of the video.